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Tari Axehand and Sif Asquard - A letter waits

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Tari Axehand and Sif Asquard - A letter waits Empty Tari Axehand and Sif Asquard - A letter waits

Post  Anadrith Indoril Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:52 pm

*A flustered Hanald approaches the postmaster, two letters clutched in his hand.
'My boy, could you see that these find their way to Lady Sif and Lady Axehand with the utmost urgency?'

The postmaster flicks through a large book detailling deliveries for the day, shaking his head slowly. Hanald sighs, drawing out a small bag of gold from his pocket. A smile creeps across the postmaster's face and he puts the book away.
'Of course Sir, I'll see what I can do'

Once Hanald has left, the postmaster sneakily peeks at the letter.... 'I wonder what could be so urgent?' He thinks*

Dear Lady Sif and Lady Axehand,

After weeks of searching for the information you requested, I beleive I finally may have come across something of value. Tedious searching of archives, tomes and manuscripts have yielded nothing that matches your description of the amulet. However, it may be of some interest to you that I have found one reference to a 'Sithis'... which is not in fact an amulet, but a person. The short extract I have found revealing this information makes reference to a Sorceress called Isiolia, who later became known as Sithis, which is roughly translated as 'Pale Temptress'. There is also mention of this sorceress in another volume, containing archives from a small village on the foothills of the mountains. However, this volume is missing. Presumeably young Dustil took this with him.

I have called in a favour with an old friend - perhaps she can help shed some light on the matter. Come see me when you have a chance, there is much to discuss.


*The postmaster puts the letters on the top of the pile, a little disappointed there was no gossip contained within the pages. With a sigh he resumes his work*

// Event tonight will follow up on this

Anadrith Indoril

Number of posts : 256
Registration date : 2009-03-24
Location : England (GMT)

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